Labor Econ
Presentation Talk:
1. How to Give an Applied Micro Talk by Jesse Shapiro
2. Public Speaking for Academic Economists by Rachael Meager
1.IZA Events;
2. NBER Summer Institute
Summer School:
1. Price Theory Summer Camp UChicago 2019
2. IZA Summer School in Labor Economics 2019
3. ICPSR Summer Program 2019 UMichigan 2019
1. Purdue OWL: APA Style Citation
2. REStat’s Data Archive
3. Datasets from Shanghai NYU
4. General Resources from Andrew Johnston‘s website
5. John Cochrane‘s Writing Tips for Ph. D. Students
6. The Equality of Opportunity Project
7. Student Resources from Econ Department UChicago
8. An Interview with Amitabh Chandra
9. CSWEP Newsletter (2011): How to Get Published in an Economics Journal
10. The Craft of Writing Effectively
11. Michael Weisbach’s The Economist’s Craft.
12. Eric Sims’s slides on Research & Writing Seminar
13. Junfu Zhang’s 模型在微观实证研究中的作用–以城市和区域经济学为例
14. 大学沙龙185期:邱泽奇、甘犁、王卫东 — 中国大型学术调查二十年