#1 Webinar
- Online Seminars AEA
- 2020 Lectures on Urban Economics: http://www.urbaneconomics.org/meetings/lectures2020/
- NBER SI 2020: Program & Livestream
- Virtual AFE Seminar Series:https://economics.uchicago.edu/content/afe-seminar-series
- Applied Economics Workshop: https://sites.google.com/view/economicseminar/home?authuser=0
#2 给大众读者的经济学书单(常年更新中):
- Poor Economics,中译本《贫穷的本质》
- Why Nations Fail,中译本《国家为什么失败》
- Time on the Cross, 中译本《苦难的时代》
- Love, Money, and Parenting,中译本《爱、金钱和孩子》
- Misbehaving,中译本《“错误”的行为》
- Nudge,中文译本《助推》
- Triumph of the City,中译本《城市的胜利》
- The New Geography of Jobs,暂无中译本
- Good Economics for Hard Times,暂无中译本
- Capitalism with Chinese characteristics,暂无中译本
- Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much,中译本《稀缺》
- The Human Network: How Your Social Position Determines Your Power, Beliefs, and Behaviors,中译本《人类网络》
- Identity Economics: How Our Identities Shape Our Work, Wages, and Well-Being,中译本《身份经济学》
- How China Became Capitalist,中译本《变革中国》
- 《转型中的地方政府》
- 《大国大城》
- 《人地之间》
- More coming soon …
- 周学光《中国国家治理的制度逻辑》,电子版。
- More coming soon …
#3 Podcasts I like:
- AEA Research Highlights Podcast
- The Hidden Curriculum by Sebastian Tello-Trillo and Alex Hollingsworth
- Conversations with Tyler by Tyler Cowen
- EconTalk by Russell Roberts
- ChinaLab by Jeremy Wallace
- NY Shalong Archive
- 金观涛《中国思想史》on 喜马拉雅
- VoxDev Talks
- Probable Causation by Jennifer Doleac
- Brookings Podcast
- 播客《忽左忽右》on Spotify
- Podcast by Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
- 播客《文化土豆 》
- 播客《海马星球》
- 播客《博物志》
- 《剩余价值SurplusValue》on Spotify
- 剩余价值Version 2.0:《随机波动StochasticVolatility》on Spotify
- 《不合时宜》【PS. 支持朋友播客】
- 《壁下观》1-102期节目 百度网盘存档,书籍资料汇总
- 《天书》广播