
#1 Webinar

  1. Online Seminars AEA
  2. 2020 Lectures on Urban Economics: http://www.urbaneconomics.org/meetings/lectures2020/
  3. NBER SI 2020: Program & Livestream
  4. Virtual AFE Seminar Series:https://economics.uchicago.edu/content/afe-seminar-series
  5. Applied Economics Workshop: https://sites.google.com/view/economicseminar/home?authuser=0

#2 给大众读者的经济学书单(常年更新中):

  1. Poor Economics,中译本《贫穷的本质
  2. Why Nations Fail,中译本《国家为什么失败
  3. Time on the Cross, 中译本《苦难的时代
  4. Love, Money, and Parenting,中译本《爱、金钱和孩子
  5. Misbehaving,中译本《“错误”的行为
  6. Nudge,中文译本《助推
  7. Triumph of the City,中译本《城市的胜利
  8. The New Geography of Jobs,暂无中译本
  9. Good Economics for Hard Times,暂无中译本
  10. Capitalism with Chinese characteristics,暂无中译本
  11. Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much,中译本《稀缺
  12. The Human Network: How Your Social Position Determines Your Power, Beliefs, and Behaviors,中译本《人类网络》 
  13. Identity Economics: How Our Identities Shape Our Work, Wages, and Well-Being,中译本《身份经济学
  14. How China Became Capitalist,中译本《变革中国
  15. 转型中的地方政府
  16. 大国大城
  17.  《人地之间
  18. More coming soon …


  1. 周学光《中国国家治理的制度逻辑》,电子版
  2. More coming soon …

#3 Podcasts I like:

  1. AEA Research Highlights Podcast 
  2. The Hidden Curriculum by Sebastian Tello-Trillo and Alex Hollingsworth
  3. Conversations with Tyler by Tyler Cowen 
  4. EconTalk by Russell Roberts
  5. ChinaLab by Jeremy Wallace
  6. NY Shalong Archive
  7. 金观涛《中国思想史》on 喜马拉雅
  8. VoxDev Talks
  9.  Probable Causation by Jennifer Doleac
  10. Brookings Podcast
  11. 播客《忽左忽右》on Spotify
  12. Podcast by Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
  13. 播客《文化土豆
  14. 播客《海马星球
  15. 播客《博物志
  16. 《剩余价值SurplusValue》on Spotify
  17. 剩余价值Version 2.0:《随机波动StochasticVolatility》on Spotify
  18. 不合时宜》【PS. 支持朋友播客】
  19. 《壁下观》1-102期节目 百度网盘存档,书籍资料汇总
  20. 天书》广播
