— Paper I like.
1.Deming DJ. The Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2017;132 (4) :1593-1640.
2. Adhvaryu, A., & Nyshadham, A. (2016). Endowments at birth and parents’ investments in children. The Economic Journal, 126(593), 781-820.
3. Doyle, O. (2019). The First 2,000 Days and Child Skills. JPE Forthcoming.
4. Baranov, V., Bhalotra, S., Biroli, P., & Maselko, J. (2020). Maternal Depression, Women’s Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial. American Economic Review, 110(3), 824-59.
5. Fort, M., Ichino, A., & Zanella, G. (2020). Cognitive and Noncognitive Costs of Day Care at Age 0–2 for Children in Advantaged Families. Journal of Political Economy, 128(1), 000-000.
6. Mani, A., Mullainathan, S., Shafir, E., & Zhao, J. (2013). Poverty impedes cognitive function. science, 341(6149), 976-980.
7. Nicoletti, Cheti, Kjell G. Salvanes, and Emma Tominey. “The Family Peer Effect on Mothers’ Labor Supply.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 10, no. 3 (2018): 206-34.
— Special Issues & Handbook Chapter
1.JPE (2017) on 125-YEAR ANNIVERSARY
2. EJ (2016) Feature on Child Development and Parental Investment
3. Figlio, Karbownik, & Salvanes. (2016). Education research and administrative data. In Handbook of the Economics of Education (Vol. 5, pp. 75-138). Elsevier.
— Discussion
Sylvia, S., & Rozelle, S. (2021). Publishing and assessing the research of economists: Lessons from public health. China Economic Review, 101601.